As you type data from the keyboard it will appear on your screen, and you can watch as your presentation grows. To make your work safe you need to make a secure copy of your presentation in a file.

To save your file, either click the File button and select Save, or click the save button in the quick access toolbar. The first time you do this for a particular file you will get a dialog box where you can supply a name for your workbook and specify a place in which to save it.

Specify a name for the file in the File Name box. A file name can contain up to 256characters, including spaces and capital letters. Next you need to specify the location for the file. This can be any folder on your hard disk or network account. Initially, PowerPoint will offer you the My Documents folder, but you can change this by selecting a new drive or folder from the Save in menu.

The file name is followed by the extension .pptx the name helps you identify individual files whereas the extension helps PowerPoint to recognize files that it has been used to create. When you have entered a name, click the Save button to save it.

All subsequent saves will update the existing file without asking for a filename.



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